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Our philosophy of discipline is designed to help each child develop self-control and responsibility for his/her own acts. The staff interacts with the children in a consistent, respectful and positive manner, guiding them in achieving those inner controls by offering them choices of activities and interactions throughout the day.


Methods Used in Helping Children to Gain Self Control:

  1. Redirect a child who is misbehaving to other activities that may be of interest to her/him.

  2. State desired behavior in a positive language and state reason – “Let’s not lean back in the chair, you may fall backward and hurt yourself”.

  3. Time out is the last resort of trying to achieve acceptable behavior. We use what we have identified as the 1, 2, 3 method:

Discipline Policy
  • 1st – ask the child to stop the unacceptable behavior and explain why he/she should stop.

  • 2nd If the child does not stop, let the child know the consequences if the action doesn’t stop (time out or leaving the group).

  • 3rd Follow through on stated consequences, it is imperative, you must follow through on your action.

Time-out will be used to help children gain control and shall not be longer than one minute for each year of a child’s age (i.e. a three year old shall remain in “time-out” a maximum of 3 minutes). In conjunction with this method of discipline, it’s imperative that an effort is made for the child to understand why he/she had to take a break from regular activities by way of a brief discussion before and after the disciplinary process.


However, if a child appears not to be responsive to our disciplinary procedures, and subsequent to parent meetings, the Director has the discretion to suspend the child (During a child’s suspension parents remain responsible for tuition or any expense the child has incurred) or dismiss the child from the center. This last measure will be done only to protect the safety and well being of the other children.

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